
dotfiles / 521baec

My personal dotfiles for Debian/Ubuntu.

Latest Commit

505 Jan 2020 12:25521baecAdd .profile bash configurationJosh Stockin2280N


ObjectLatest Commit SubjectTimeHash
file.bash_aliasesUpdate .bash_aliases02 Jan 2020 23:386f60a25
file.bashrcCreate default dotfiles27 Nov 2019 19:01bf63782
file.gitconfigCreate default dotfiles27 Nov 2019 19:01bf63782
file.profileAdd .profile bash configuration05 Jan 2020 12:25521baec
filecopyAdd .profile bash configuration05 Jan 2020 12:25521baec
filevimrcUpdate buffer switching to be mapped to leader and enter27 Nov 2019 21:142f6c478