
Privacy Policy

The website available under the address https://joshstock.in is the personal portfolio and blog of Joshua Stockin (hereafter ā€œIā€). I am the owner and sysadmin of this website and therefore the data controller for any information you intentionally or unintentionally send my way.

The Information I Collect

I really don't have much on this website; just a few static pages with no client side trackers/analytics and no server side trackers/analytics besides what's built into AWS (my cloud provider, that logs bandwidth usage) and nginx (the webserver I use to host this website, that logs each HTTP/HTTPS request made to it). For each page visit, I collect, process, and log the following information:

What I Do With Your Information

While the IP address is an identifying piece of data (and possibly the User-Agent as well), all I do with the information is process your web request so I can return pages of my website. During this process the webserver logs your information for diagnostic purposes.

Your information is kept only in the webserver logs that sit on my box and my box only. I will not further use your information for any purpose nor do I have intent to do so. I have no future plans to change this.

Embedded Content from Third Parties

To make this website look pretty, I embed sources from other websites.

Embedded Sources from Google

On (almost) every page of this website, I embed the font "Fira Sans" and its derivatives from Google Fonts (Google LLC). See their privacy policy here.

Embedded Sources from GitHub

On some blog articles, I embed code snippets from GitHub Gist, a project of GitHub (GitHub, Inc., a subsidiary of Microsoft Corporation). See their privacy policy here.

Embedded Sources from Disqus

On all blog articles, I embed code snippets from Disqus (Disqus, Inc.) for comments. See their privacy policy here.
