# targets.py / Template engine for my website # Joshua Stockin / josh@joshstock.in / https://joshstock.in # Python standard lib import os import html from datetime import datetime, timezone, timedelta from xml.dom import minidom # External libraries import markdown2 import htmlgenerator as hg import readtime import sass from feedgen.feed import FeedGenerator # Local imports from _utils import dotdict as namespace, current_dir, load_generators, list_files # Site generation metadata CONTENT_DIRECTORY = os.path.join(current_dir(), "content") SASS_DIRECTORY = os.path.join(current_dir(), "style") STATIC_DIRECTORY = os.path.join(current_dir(), "static") blog_description = "Barely coherent ramblings about engineering projects, software, hardware, and other things." # Fetch generator functions GENERATORS_MODULE = "generators" GENERATORS = [ "head.head", "topbar", "footer", "blog.article", "blog.listing", ] generate = load_generators(GENERATORS_MODULE, GENERATORS) def render_basic_page(page_data, *contents): # construct page page_generator = hg.HTML( generate("head.head", page_data), hg.BODY( *generate("topbar", page_data), hg.DIV( hg.DIV( hg.mark_safe(contents[0]), _class="content-body" ), hg.DIV(_class="vfill"), generate("footer"), _class="content-container", ), onscroll="scroll()", ), ) return hg.render(page_generator, {}).encode("utf-8") # Site template implementation; returns dict {filename: data} def template() -> {str: str}: files = {} # sitemap.xml sitemap_root = minidom.Document() sitemap_urlset = sitemap_root.createElementNS("http://www.sitemap.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9", "urlset") sitemap_urlset.setAttribute("xmlns", sitemap_urlset.namespaceURI) sitemap_root.appendChild(sitemap_urlset) def add_sitemap_url(url, priority=1.0): # url_obj = sitemap_root.createElement("url") # loc_obj = sitemap_root.createElement("loc") loc_obj.appendChild(sitemap_root.createTextNode(url)) url_obj.appendChild(loc_obj) # # priority_obj = sitemap_root.createElement("priority") priority_obj.appendChild(sitemap_root.createTextNode(str(priority))) url_obj.appendChild(priority_obj) # sitemap_urlset.appendChild(url_obj) # # Atom and RSS feeds for blog articles_list = [] fg = FeedGenerator() fg.id("https://joshstock.in/blog") fg.title("Blog - Josh Stockin") fg.author({"name": "Josh Stockin", "email": "josh@joshstock.in", "uri": "https://joshstock.in"}) fg.link(href="https://joshstock.in/blog", rel="alternate") fg.subtitle(blog_description) fg.language("en") # Setup for string templating website_pages = [] class template_string_dict(dict): def __missing__(self, key): return "{" + key + "}" template_strings = template_string_dict() # Iterate over content directory for markdown files for content_file in list_files(CONTENT_DIRECTORY, ".md"): f = open(content_file, "r") data = f.read() f.close() # Compile markdown as markdown2 object with HTML, metadata content_html = markdown2.markdown( data, safe_mode=False, extras=[ "code-friendly", "cuddled-lists", "fenced-code-blocks", "footnotes", "header-ids", "metadata", "strike", "tables", "wiki-tables", "tag-friendly", "target-blank-links", ], ) # Normalize content metadata page_data = namespace(content_html.metadata) page_data.link = page_data.link or "" page_data.banner_image = page_data.banner_image or "" page_data.thumbnail = page_data.thumbnail or page_data.banner_image # type=="website" if page_data.type == "website": # save for templating later website_pages.append((content_html, page_data)) # type=="website" # type=="article" elif page_data.type == "article": # Blog article page metadata page_data.readtime = readtime.of_html(content_html, wpm=150) page_data.link = "/blog/" + page_data.identifier page_data.links = page_data.links or {} page_data.content = content_html articles_list += [page_data] rendered = render_basic_page(page_data, hg.render(hg.DIV(*generate("blog.article", page_data)), {})) # render, export, add to sitemap files["blog/" + page_data.identifier + ".html"] = rendered add_sitemap_url("/blog/" + page_data.identifier, priority=0.6) # type=="article" # type=="article-hidden" elif page_data.type == "article-hidden": # Blog article page metadata page_data.readtime = readtime.of_html(content_html, wpm=150) page_data.link = "/blog/" + page_data.identifier page_data.links = page_data.links or {} page_data.content = content_html rendered = render_basic_page(page_data, hg.render(hg.DIV(*generate("blog.article", page_data)), {})) # render, export, add to sitemap files["blog/" + page_data.identifier + ".html"] = rendered # type=="article" # type=="project" elif page_data.type == "project": pass add_sitemap_url("/projects/" + page_data.identifier, priority=0.6) # type=="project" # end of content md files # Template strings articles_list = sorted(articles_list, key=lambda x: x.datestring, reverse=True) template_strings["articles_list"] = hg.render(hg.DIV(*[generate("blog.listing", x) for x in articles_list]), {}) template_strings["projects_list"] = '

Under construction; check Git repositories instead

' # Apply templates for website_page in website_pages: content_html = website_page[0] page_data = website_page[1] templated = content_html.format_map(template_strings) rendered = render_basic_page(page_data, templated) files[page_data.index] = rendered if page_data.index != "index.html": add_sitemap_url("/" + page_data.index.rsplit(".html")[0], priority=0.8) else: add_sitemap_url("/", priority=1.0) # Create article entries for feed generator for page_data in articles_list: fe = fg.add_entry() fe.id("https://joshstock.in/blog/" + page_data.identifier) fe.author({"name": "Josh Stockin", "email": "josh@joshstock.in", "uri": "https://joshstock.in"}) fe.title(page_data.title) fe.summary(page_data.description + " / https://joshstock.in/blog/" + page_data.identifier) datetime_pub = datetime.strptime(page_data.datestring, "%Y-%m-%d").replace(tzinfo=timezone(-timedelta(hours=6))) fe.published(datetime_pub) fe.updated(datetime_pub) fe.link(href="https://joshstock.in/blog/" + page_data.identifier) # Generate Atom and RSS fees for blog fg.link(href="https://joshstock.in/atom", rel="self") files["atom.xml"] = fg.atom_str(pretty=True) fg.link(href="https://joshstock.in/rss", rel="self", replace=True) files["rss.xml"] = fg.rss_str(pretty=True) # Compile Sass stylesheets for stylesheet_file in list_files(SASS_DIRECTORY, ".scss"): if os.path.basename(stylesheet_file)[0] != "_": files[ os.path.join( "static", "style", os.path.splitext(os.path.relpath(stylesheet_file, SASS_DIRECTORY))[ 0 ] + ".css", ) ] = sass.compile(filename=stylesheet_file, output_style="compressed").encode("utf-8") # Copy content from static files for static_file in list_files(STATIC_DIRECTORY): f = open(static_file, "rb") data = f.read() f.close() files[ os.path.join("static", os.path.relpath(static_file, STATIC_DIRECTORY)) ] = data # Compile XML, export sitemap files["sitemap.xml"] = sitemap_root.toprettyxml(indent="\t").encode("utf-8") return files