--- meta: repos: # repository URLs and paths github: "https://github.com/JoshuaS3/" dev: "/home/josh/repos/" prod: "/home/git/" templates: # HTML templates - name: asdf file: templates/qwerty repositories: - name: lognestmonster head: dev description: "a general-purpose single-header C logging library and parser for event-based logs" - name: auto-plow description: "A wheelchair motor-propelled battery-powered ESP32-driven remote control snow plow." - name: joshstock.in description: "Source code for compilation and serving of https://joshstock.in" - name: craft description: "an attempted Minecraft clone, written in C/C++" - name: lua-stdlib-plus description: "an extension of the Lua 5.3 standard library" - name: dotfiles description: "my collection of configuration dotfiles and miscellaneous scripts and tools"