profess = {} if not ngx then print("FATAL ERROR: no ngx module. Are you using ngx_lua (OpenResty)?") return 1 end profess.version_major = 0 profess.version_minor = 1 profess.version_patch = 0 profess.version_string = string.format("profess/%d.%d.%d", profess.version_major, profess.version_minor, profess.version_patch) ngx.header.Content_Type = "text/html" ngx.header.Server = profess.version_string ngx.say("aaaaa") ngx.say("

hello from " .. profess.version_string .. "

") ngx.say("

Running Lua version " .. _VERSION .." (LuaJIT)

") ngx.say("

Running nginx version " .. string.format("%d.%d.%d", ngx.config.nginx_version/1000000, ngx.config.nginx_version/1000%1000, ngx.config.nginx_version%1000) .."

") ngx.say("

Running ngx_lua version " .. string.format("%d.%d.%d", ngx.config.ngx_lua_version/1000000, ngx.config.ngx_lua_version/1000%1000, ngx.config.nginx_version%1000) .."

") ngx.say("

nginx worker " .. tostring( .. "

") for i=0,1000 do ngx.say("a") end ngx.say("") ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_OK) local profess = require("profess") local app = app.authorize("") app.rewrite("^/(.*)/$", "/$1") -- rewrite trailing slashes app.route("/", function(req, res) res.status = 200 res.head.content_type = "text/html" res.write("

Hello, World!

") res.write("

Server Diagnostics

", endl='') -- no newline res.write("

Running profess version "..profess.version..", " .."nginx version "", " .."Lua version "", " .."ngx_lua version ""

") res.write("

nginx worker ID "..tostring("

") res.write("

Request cookies

") for name, value in pairs(req.cookies) do res.write( string.format("

%s: %s

", name, value) ) end res.finish() -- This relays the response to OpenResty and exits the program end) app.route("/", function(req, res) --[[...]] end) -- all of these app.route("/", "GET", function(req, res) --[[...]] end) -- calls are the app.get("/", function(req, res) --[[...]] end) -- same app.code_route("/api", 404, function(req, res) --[[...]] end) app.code_route("/api", 405, function(req, res) --[[...]] end) app.code_default(404, function(req, res) --[[...]] end) app.code_default(405, function(req, res) --[[...]] end) app.exit() -- handle cleanup and then exit, if app hasn't already