#!/usr/bin/env bash # Script variables PYTHON_MAJOR=3 PYTHON_MINOR=7 ACCEPTABLE_PYTHON_COMMANDS="python3 python3.10 python3.9 python3.8 python3.7 python" PYTHON_COMMAND= SCRIPT_SOURCE_DIR=$(dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}") # If pip modules are named differently from their internal Python modules, the # requirements.txt file will use the format `pip_name:py_name` per line for # each requirement. while read -r requirement do [[ $requirement =~ ^#.* ]] && continue # Ignore comment line REQUIRED_PIP_MODULES="$REQUIRED_PIP_MODULES $(sed -r "s/:.*//g" <<< $requirement)" REQUIRED_PYTHON_MODULES="$REQUIRED_PYTHON_MODULES $(sed -r "s/.*://g" <<< $requirement)" done < $SCRIPT_SOURCE_DIR/requirements.txt # Plumbing set -o pipefail RESTORE=$(echo -en '\033[0m') STANDOUT=$(echo -en '\033[7m') RED=$(echo -en '\033[00;31m') GREEN=$(echo -en '\033[00;32m') YELLOW=$(echo -en '\033[00;33m') PURPLE=$(echo -en '\033[00;35m') LIGHTGRAY=$(echo -en '\033[00;37m') LRED=$(echo -en '\033[01;31m') LGREEN=$(echo -en '\033[01;32m') LYELLOW=$(echo -en '\033[01;33m') LBLUE=$(echo -en '\033[01;34m') LCYAN=$(echo -en '\033[01;36m') function usage { echo "Usage: sudo $0 <prod|test>" exit 0 } if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]; then echo "error: must run as root" usage fi # Handle argument input case $1 in prod) ;; test) ;; *) usage ;; esac MODE=$1 # Determine Python interpreter to use. Takes from list of acceptable # interpreters if user didn't supply one. echo "${LIGHTGRAY}Determining Python interpreter${RESTORE}" if [ -z $PYTHON_COMMAND ]; then for COMMAND in $ACCEPTABLE_PYTHON_COMMANDS do if command -v $COMMAND &> /dev/null; then PYTHON_COMMAND=$COMMAND break fi done fi # Expand interpreter command, verify with `import sys` test instruction PYTHON_COMMAND=$(command -v $PYTHON_COMMAND) if [ -z $PYTHON_COMMAND ]; then echo " ${BOLD}${LRED}Python interpreter not found${RESTORE}" exit 1 fi if [ -h "$PYTHON_COMMAND" ]; then PYTHON_COMMAND=$(readlink -f $PYTHON_COMMAND) # Expand symlink, if "python3" fi echo " Trying interpreter [ ${LYELLOW}$PYTHON_COMMAND${RESTORE} ]" if ! $PYTHON_COMMAND -c "import sys"; then echo " ${BOLD}${LRED}Executable is not a Python interpreter${RESTORE}" exit 1 fi # Verifying installed Python version meets minimum requirements echo "${LIGHTGRAY}Checking Python version${RESTORE} [ needs ${LIGHTGRAY}>=$PYTHON_MAJOR.$PYTHON_MINOR${RESTORE} ]" PYTHON_VERSION_STRING=$($PYTHON_COMMAND -c "print('.'.join([str(a) for a in __import__('sys').version_info[:3]]))") if ! $PYTHON_COMMAND -c "import sys;exit(not(sys.version_info.major==$PYTHON_MAJOR and sys.version_info.minor>=$PYTHON_MINOR))"; then echo " ${RED}Python version must be ${RESTORE}[ ${LCYAN}>=$PYTHON_MAJOR.$PYTHON_MINOR${RESTORE} ]${RED}."\ "Installed is ${RESTORE}[ ${LCYAN}$PYTHON_VERSION_STRING${RESTORE} ]" exit 1 fi echo " Version [ ${LCYAN}$PYTHON_VERSION_STRING${RESTORE} ] acceptable" # Verifying required modules are installed echo "${LIGHTGRAY}Checking Python modules installed${RESTORE}" for MODULE in $(seq 1 $(wc -w <<< $REQUIRED_PIP_MODULES)) do PIP_MODULE=$(awk -v N=$MODULE '{print $N}' <<< "$REQUIRED_PIP_MODULES") PYTHON_MODULE=$(awk -v N=$MODULE '{print $N}' <<< "$REQUIRED_PYTHON_MODULES") if ! $PYTHON_COMMAND -c "import $PYTHON_MODULE" &> /dev/null; then echo " ${BOLD}${LRED}Required Python module ${RESTORE}[ ${BOLD}${LBLUE}$PYTHON_MODULE${RESTORE} ] ${BOLD}${LRED}not found.${RESTORE}" echo " Attempting install with ${PURPLE}$PYTHON_COMMAND -m pip install $PIP_MODULE${RESTORE}" $PYTHON_COMMAND -m pip install $PIP_MODULE if ! $PYTHON_COMMAND -c "import $PYTHON_MODULE" &> /dev/null; then echo " ${BOLD}${LRED}Required Python module ${RESTORE}[ ${BOLD}${LBLUE}$PYTHON_MODULE${RESTORE} ] ${BOLD}${LRED}not found${RESTORE}" exit 1 fi fi echo " Module [ ${LBLUE}$PYTHON_MODULE${RESTORE} ] found" done echo " ${GREEN}All required modules found${RESTORE}" function runcmd { # Indents program output before passing to stdout "$@" 2>&1 | sed 's/^/ /'; } # Run templating engine for static site content echo "${LIGHTGRAY}Running HTML templating script${RESTORE}" runcmd $SCRIPT_SOURCE_DIR/build.py $HTML_OUT if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo " ${BOLD}${LRED}Error running templating script${RESTORE}" exit 1 else echo " ${GREEN}Templating successful${RESTORE}" fi echo "${LIGHTGRAY}Copying templated files${RESTORE}" runcmd rm -rv /var/www/josh runcmd mkdir -p /var/www/josh runcmd cp -rv $SCRIPT_SOURCE_DIR/build/* /var/www/josh echo " ${GREEN}Files copied successfully${RESTORE}" # Install nginx configuration echo "${LIGHTGRAY}Installing nginx configuration${RESTORE}" if [ ! -f $SCRIPT_SOURCE_DIR/nginx/nginx.conf ]; then echo " ${BOLD}${LRED}Core configuration file ${RESTORE}[ ${BOLD}${LBLUE}$SCRIPT_SOURCE_DIR/nginx/nginx.conf${RESTORE} ] ${BOLD}${LRED}not found${RESTORE}" exit 1 fi runcmd cp -v $SCRIPT_SOURCE_DIR/nginx/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf if [ ! -d $SCRIPT_SOURCE_DIR/nginx/$MODE ]; then echo " ${BOLD}${LRED}Directory ${RESTORE}[ ${BOLD}${LBLUE}$SCRIPT_SOURCE_DIR/nginx/$MODE${RESTORE} ] ${BOLD}${LRED}not found${RESTORE}" exit 1 fi runcmd rm -rv /etc/nginx/sites/joshstock.in runcmd mkdir -p /etc/nginx/sites/joshstock.in runcmd cp -rv $SCRIPT_SOURCE_DIR/nginx/$MODE/* /etc/nginx/sites/joshstock.in echo " ${GREEN}nginx configuration successfully installed${RESTORE}" # Install configuration for resty-gitweb subdomain echo "${LIGHTGRAY}Installing resty-gitweb configuration${RESTORE}" if [ ! -f $SCRIPT_SOURCE_DIR/resty-gitweb.yaml ]; then echo " ${BOLD}${LRED}Core configuration file ${RESTORE}[ ${BOLD}${LBLUE}$SCRIPT_SOURCE_DIR/resty-gitweb.yaml${RESTORE} ] ${BOLD}${LRED}not found${RESTORE}" exit 1 fi runcmd cp -v $SCRIPT_SOURCE_DIR/resty-gitweb.yaml /etc/resty-gitweb.yaml echo " ${GREEN}resty-gitweb configuration successfully installed${RESTORE}" # Reload nginx if [[ ! $(lsof -i TCP:80) =~ "nginx" ]]; then echo "${LIGHTGRAY}(Re)starting nginx${RESTORE}" systemctl restart nginx else echo "${LIGHTGRAY}Reloading nginx${RESTORE}" systemctl reload nginx fi if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "${BOLD}${LRED}nginx configuration not accepted or nginx could not be restarted. Dumping systemctl status...${RESTORE}" runcmd systemctl status nginx exit 1 else echo "${GREEN}nginx loaded new configuration successfully${RESTORE}" echo "${BOLD}${LGREEN}Successful deployment!${RESTORE}" exit 0 fi