// lognestmonster Copyright (c) 2019 Joshua 'joshuas3' Stockin // main.c // C file for testing the lognestmonster library header // . // This file is part of lognestmonster. // lognestmonster is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // lognestmonster is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with lognestmonster. If not, see . #include #define LNM_INIT #define LNM_ALL #include "lognestmonster.h" void test(void); extern char * queueName; static char * queuePath = "~/path"; int main(void) { queueName = "master"; long t1 = lnm_getus(); printf("lognestmonster C test main()\n"); printf("============================\n"); printf("\n\n"); printf("data testing\n"); printf("----------------------------\n"); printf("word size/ptr length: %li\n", sizeof(lnmItem)); printf("\n"); printf("enum lnmVerbosityLevel {\n"); printf("\tlnmInfo = %i,\n\tlnmDebug = %i,\n\tlnmVerbose = %i,\n\tlnmVeryVerbose = %i,\n\tlnmWarning = %i,\n\tlnmError = %i\n}\n", lnmInfo, lnmDebug, lnmVerbose, lnmVeryVerbose, lnmWarning, lnmError); printf("\n\n"); printf("core library\n"); printf("----------------------------\n"); printf("creating \"%s\" queue with path \"%s\"\n", queueName, queuePath); lnmQueue queue = lnmQueueInit(queueName, queuePath); printf("queue \"%s\" created at 0x%llx\n", queueName, (long long)queue); printf("\n"); printf("checking queue integrity in registry...\n"); printf("queue == lnmQueueByName(\"%s\"): ", queueName); if (queue == lnmQueueByName(queueName)) { printf("true\n"); } else { printf("false. exiting...\n"); return 1; } printf("\n"); printf("creating an E{2S, E{1S}, 1S} logtree\n"); lnmItem event = lnmEventS(lnmError, "INVOKER", "Test ERROR statement pushed to single event with custom tag and message"); lnmEventPushS(event, lnmInfo, "INIT", "Sample INFO/INIT log statement"); lnmItem event2 = lnmEventS(lnmVerbose, "NESTED", "Example of a nested log statement"); lnmEventPushS(event2, lnmVeryVerbose, "NESTED", "Nested #2"); lnmEventPush(event, event2); lnmEventPushS(event2, lnmInfo, "TEST", "Item #3"); lnmEventPushS(event2, lnmInfo, "TEST", "Item #4"); lnmItem event3 = lnmEventS(lnmWarning, "NESTED-2", "Third layer log statement"); lnmEventPush(event2, event3); lnmEventPushS(event2, lnmInfo, "TEST", "Item #6"); lnmEventPushS(event2, lnmInfo, "TEST", "Item #7"); lnmEventPushS(event2, lnmInfo, "TEST", "Item #8"); lnmEventPushS(event2, lnmInfo, "TEST", "Item #9 (frame capacity doubles from 8 to 16)"); lnmEventPushS(event, lnmDebug, "REQUEST", "DEBUG/REQUEST log statement. might be found useful in a webserver backend"); printf("\n"); printf("debug registry logtree (1 top level items expected)\n"); lnm_debug_parse_registry(); printf("\n"); printf("push event to queue\n"); lnmQueuePush(queue, event); printf("\n"); printf("debug queue (master)\n"); lnm_debug_parse_queue(queue); printf("\n"); printf("debug registry logtree (0 top level items expected)\n"); lnm_debug_parse_registry(); printf("\n"); printf("calling test function from different source file\n"); test(); printf("\n"); printf("freeing queue\n"); lnm_free_queue(queue); printf("\n"); printf("debug queue (master, 0 items expected)\n"); lnm_debug_parse_queue(queue); printf("\n\n"); printf("tests finished\n"); printf("----------------------------\n"); printf("time elapsed (us): %lu\n", lnm_getus() - t1); return 0; }