/* lognestmonster Copyright (c) 2020 Joshua 'joshuas3' Stockin * * * * This software is licensed and distributed under the terms of the MIT License: * ----- BEGIN LICENSE ----- * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * ----- END LICENSE ----- * * This comment block and its contents, including this disclaimer, MUST be * preserved in all copies or distributions of this software's source. */ // lognestmonster.h // C header file for implementation of the lognestmonster logging library #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #ifndef LOGNESTMONSTER_H #define LOGNESTMONSTER_H 1 #include // necessary include for type declaration enum lnmVerbosityLevel {lnmInfo, lnmDebug, lnmVerbose, lnmVeryVerbose, lnmWarning, lnmError}; typedef uint8_t * lnmItem; typedef uint8_t * lnmQueue; lnmQueue lnmQueueInit(char * name, char * out_path); lnmQueue lnmQueueByName(char * name); lnmItem lnmStatement(enum lnmVerbosityLevel verbosity, char * message); lnmItem lnmEvent(char * tag); lnmItem lnmEventI(char * tag, lnmItem item); lnmItem lnmEventS(char * tag, enum lnmVerbosityLevel verbosity, char * message); void lnmEventPush(lnmItem event, lnmItem item); void lnmEventPushS(lnmItem event, enum lnmVerbosityLevel verbosity, char * message); #ifdef LNM_ALL // expose private utilities // type definitions typedef struct lnm_pushable lnm_pushable; typedef struct lnm_log_event lnm_log_event; typedef struct lnm_log_statement lnm_log_statement; typedef struct lnm_queue lnm_queue; // lnm_pushable utilities lnm_pushable * lnm_new_pushable(void); void lnm_pushable_realloc(lnm_pushable * pushable); void lnm_pushable_push(lnm_pushable * pushable, lnmItem item); void lnm_pushable_pop(lnm_pushable * pushable); void lnm_pushable_remove(lnm_pushable * pushable, uint32_t index); void lnm_pushable_free(lnm_pushable * pushable); // misc utilities unsigned long lnm_getus(void); // registry utilities void lnm_registry_update(void); // memory management utilities void lnm_free_item(lnmItem item); void lnm_free_registry(void); void lnm_free_queue(lnmQueue queue); #endif // LNM_ALL #if defined(LNM_DEBUG) || defined(LNM_ALL) void lnm_debug_tabs(int tab_count); void lnm_debug_parse_item(lnmItem item, int tab_count); void lnm_debug_parse_registry(void); void lnm_debug_parse_queue(lnmQueue queue); #endif // LNM_DEBUG || LNM_ALL #ifdef LNM_INIT // define the library #include #include #include #include static const uint8_t LNM_STATEMENT = 0; static const uint8_t LNM_EVENT = 1; // lnm_pushable utilities typedef struct lnm_pushable { uint32_t capacity; uint32_t length; lnmItem * frame; } lnm_pushable; void lnm_pushable_realloc(lnm_pushable * pushable) { if (pushable->length > pushable->capacity) { if (pushable->capacity > UINT32_MAX / 2) { printf("lognestmonster (lnm_pushable_realloc): pushable reached max capacity of 2^32-1. exiting...\n"); abort(); } pushable->frame = realloc(pushable->frame, sizeof(lnmItem) * (pushable->capacity *= 2)); if (pushable->frame == NULL) { printf("lognestmonster (lnm_pushable_realloc): call to realloc() returned NULL. exiting...\n"); abort(); } } else if (pushable->length < (pushable->capacity / 2)) { if (pushable->capacity > 8) { pushable->frame = realloc(pushable->frame, sizeof(lnmItem) * (pushable->capacity /= 2)); if (pushable->frame == NULL) { printf("lognestmonster (lnm_pushable_realloc): call to realloc() returned NULL. exiting...\n"); abort(); } } } } lnm_pushable * lnm_new_pushable(void) { lnm_pushable * new_pushable = malloc(sizeof(lnm_pushable)); if (new_pushable == NULL) { printf("lognestmonster (lnm_new_pushable): call to malloc() returned NULL. exiting...\n"); abort(); } new_pushable->capacity = 8; new_pushable->length = 0; new_pushable->frame = malloc(sizeof(lnmItem) * 8); if (new_pushable->frame == NULL) { printf("lognestmonster (lnm_new_pushable): call to malloc() returned NULL. exiting...\n"); abort(); } return new_pushable; } void lnm_pushable_push(lnm_pushable * pushable, lnmItem item) { pushable->length++; lnm_pushable_realloc(pushable); pushable->frame[pushable->length - 1] = item; } void lnm_pushable_pop(lnm_pushable * pushable) { pushable->length--; lnm_pushable_realloc(pushable); } void lnm_pushable_remove(lnm_pushable * pushable, uint32_t index) { if (index >= pushable->length) { printf("lognestmonster (lnm_pushable_remove): attempt to remove index out of pushable bounds. exiting...\n"); abort(); } if (index == pushable->length - 1) { lnm_pushable_pop(pushable); } else { // shift entire array from index until end for (uint32_t iter = index; iter < pushable->length - 1; iter++) { pushable->frame[iter] = pushable->frame[iter + 1]; } pushable->length--; lnm_pushable_realloc(pushable); } } void lnm_pushable_free(lnm_pushable * pushable) { free(pushable->frame); free(pushable); } // log event and log statement definitions typedef struct lnm_log_event { // word 1, 1 byte data 7 bytes padding uint8_t type:1; // used internally; 0 = statement, 1 = event uint8_t pushed:1; // whether or not this log item has been pushed uint8_t verbosity:3; // lnmVerbosityLevel, 0-5 // word 2, 8 bytes data char * tag; // null-terminated tag string // word 3, 8 bytes data lnm_pushable * pushable; // pushable of lnmItems } lnm_log_event; typedef struct lnm_log_statement { // word 1, 1 byte data 4 bytes padding uint8_t type:1; // used internally; 0 = statement, 1 = event uint8_t pushed:1; // whether or not this log item has been pushed uint8_t verbosity:3; // lnmVerbosityLevel, 0-5 // word 2, 8 bytes data uint64_t timestamp; // 64-bit millisecond timestamp // word 3, 8 bytes data char * log; // null-terminated message string } lnm_log_statement; // queue structure definition typedef struct lnm_queue { char * name; char * out_path; uint64_t timestamp; lnm_pushable * pushable; } lnm_queue; // time utilities #if defined(__unix__) || defined(unix) || defined(__unix) || defined(__CYGWIN__) #include static struct timeval lnm_current_time; #elif defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WINDOWS__) #include static FILETIME lnm_win32_filetime; #else #error lognestmonster: Windows NT or a POSIX-compliant system were not detected. Implement your own system time functions or compile on a compliant system. #endif uint64_t lnm_getus(void) { uint64_t us; #if defined(__unix__) || defined(unix) || defined(__unix) || defined(__CYGWIN__) gettimeofday(&lnm_current_time, NULL); us = (lnm_current_time.tv_sec*1000000+lnm_current_time.tv_usec); #elif defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WINDOWS__) // get system time in ticks GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&lnm_win32_filetime); // load time from two 32-bit words into one 64-bit integer us = lnm_win32_filetime.dwHighDateTime << 32; us |= lnm_win32_filetime.dwLowDateTime; // convert to microseconds us /= 10; // convert from time since Windows NT epoch to time since Unix epoch us -= 11644473600000000ULL; #endif return us; } // item registry utils void lnm_free_item(lnmItem item); static lnm_pushable * lnm_registered_queues; static lnm_pushable * lnm_registered_items; static int lnm_registry_update_count; void lnm_registry_update(void) { // iterate through registry for (uint32_t iter = 0; iter < lnm_registered_items->length; iter++) { lnm_log_statement * item = (lnm_log_statement *)(lnm_registered_items->frame[iter]); // if the registered item has been pushed elsewhere, remove it from the top level of the registry if (item->pushed) { lnm_registry_update_count++; lnm_pushable_remove(lnm_registered_items, iter); iter--; } } } void lnm_registry_free() { for (uint32_t iter = 0; iter < lnm_registered_items->length; iter++) { lnm_free_item(lnm_registered_items->frame[iter]); } } void lnm_registry_flush_item(lnmItem item) { lnm_log_statement * item_cast = (lnm_log_statement *)item; if (!item_cast->pushed) { item_cast->pushed = 1; lnm_registry_update(); } } // core library utilities int lnm_item_type(lnmItem item) { return ((lnm_log_statement *)item)->type; } void lnm_free_item(lnmItem item) { if (lnm_item_type(item) == LNM_STATEMENT) { // cast item lnm_log_statement * statement = (lnm_log_statement *)item; // flush item out of registry lnm_registry_flush_item(item); // free item and its contents free(statement->log); free(statement); } else if (lnm_item_type(item) == LNM_EVENT) { // create breadcrumb navigation array with root 'item' lnm_pushable * breadcrumb = lnm_new_pushable(); lnm_pushable_push(breadcrumb, item); // continually iterate breadcrumb until it's empty while (breadcrumb->length > 0) { // get current item (deepest element of the breadcrumb nav, aka 'z' in 'x > y > z') lnmItem current = breadcrumb->frame[breadcrumb->length - 1]; // flush item out of registry lnm_registry_flush_item(current); if (lnm_item_type(current) == LNM_STATEMENT) { // cast current item lnm_log_statement * current_statement = (lnm_log_statement *)current; // free statement and its contents free(current_statement->log); free(current_statement); // pop it from the breadcrumb nav lnm_pushable_pop(breadcrumb); // loop back } else if (lnm_item_type(current) == LNM_EVENT) { // cast current item lnm_log_event * current_event = (lnm_log_event *)current; if (current_event->pushable->length > 0) { // the event has children for (uint32_t iter = 0; iter < current_event->pushable->length; iter++) { // add every child to the breadcrumb nav to free them lnmItem current_event_child = current_event->pushable->frame[iter]; lnm_pushable_push(breadcrumb, current_event_child); } // set the current event as having no children so they're not erroneously counted twice current_event->pushable->length = 0; } else { // the event is empty, so we can safely free it lnm_pushable_free(current_event->pushable); free(current_event->tag); free(current_event); // and remove from breadcrumb nav lnm_pushable_pop(breadcrumb); } // loop back } else { printf("lognestmonster (lnm_free_item): item in log tree has non-statement and non-event type. exiting...\n"); abort(); } } } else { printf("lognestmonster (lnm_free_item): log tree is non-statement and non-event type. exiting...\n"); abort(); } } // queue utilities void lnm_free_queue(lnmQueue queue) { lnm_queue * queue_cast = (lnm_queue *)queue; for (uint32_t iter = 0; iter < queue_cast->pushable->length; iter++) { lnm_free_item(queue_cast->pushable->frame[iter]); lnm_pushable_remove(queue_cast->pushable, iter); iter--; } } lnmQueue lnmQueueInit(char * name, char * out_path) { // create queue and item registries if not created if (lnm_registered_queues == NULL) { lnm_registered_queues = lnm_new_pushable(); } if (lnm_registered_items == NULL) { lnm_registered_items = lnm_new_pushable(); } // allocate and populate a new Queue object lnm_queue * new_queue = malloc(sizeof(lnm_queue)); if (new_queue == NULL) { printf("lognestmonster (lnmQueueInit): call to malloc() returned NULL. exiting...\n"); abort(); } new_queue->name = malloc(strlen(name)+1); new_queue->out_path = malloc(strlen(out_path)+1); if (new_queue->name == NULL || new_queue->out_path == NULL) { printf("lognestmonster (lnmQueueInit): call to malloc() returned NULL. exiting...\n"); abort(); } strcpy(new_queue->name, name); strcpy(new_queue->out_path, out_path); new_queue->timestamp = lnm_getus(); new_queue->pushable = lnm_new_pushable(); // enter new Queue into registry lnm_pushable_push(lnm_registered_queues, (lnmQueue)new_queue); return (lnmQueue)new_queue; } lnmQueue lnmQueueByName(char * name) { if (lnm_registered_queues == NULL) { printf("lognestmonster (lnmQueueByName): queue registry is nonexistant. exiting...\n"); abort(); } if (lnm_registered_queues->length == 0) { printf("lognestmonster (lnmQueueByName): queue registry is empty. exiting...\n"); abort(); } for (uint32_t iter = 0; iterlength; iter++) { lnm_queue * queue = (lnm_queue *)lnm_registered_queues->frame[iter]; if (strcmp(queue->name, name) == 0) { return (lnmQueue)queue; } } printf("lognestmonster (lnmQueueByName): queue not found in registry. exiting...\n"); abort(); } void lnmQueuePush(lnmQueue queue, lnmItem item) { lnm_log_statement * statement = (lnm_log_statement *)item; if (statement->pushed == 1) { printf("lognestmonster (lnmQueuePush): attempt to push an already-pushed log item. exiting...\n"); abort(); } // flush out of registry statement->pushed = 1; lnm_registry_update(); // add to queue lnm_pushable_push(((lnm_queue *)queue)->pushable, item); } lnmItem lnmStatement(enum lnmVerbosityLevel verbosity, char * message) { lnm_log_statement * new_statement = malloc(sizeof(lnm_log_statement)); if (new_statement == NULL) { printf("lognestmonster (lnmStatement): call to malloc() returned NULL. exiting...\n"); abort(); } new_statement->type = LNM_STATEMENT; new_statement->verbosity = verbosity; new_statement->timestamp = lnm_getus(); // enforce string lengths int message_len = strlen(message); if (message_len > 65536 || message_len < 0) { printf("lognestmonster (lnmStatement): message length %i is longer than the cap 65536 characters. exiting...\n", message_len); abort(); } // copy message to new_statement->log new_statement->log = malloc(message_len); if (new_statement->log == NULL) { printf("lognestmonster (lnmStatement): call to malloc() returned NULL. exiting...\n"); abort(); } strcpy(new_statement->log, message); // add to registry lnm_pushable_push(lnm_registered_items, (lnmItem)new_statement); return (lnmItem)new_statement; } lnmItem lnmEvent(char * tag) { lnm_log_event * new_event = malloc(sizeof(lnm_log_event)); if (new_event == NULL) { printf("lognestmonster (lnmEvent): call to malloc() returned NULL. exiting...\n"); abort(); } new_event->type = LNM_EVENT; new_event->pushable = lnm_new_pushable(); // copy tag to event int tag_len = strlen(tag); new_event->tag = malloc(tag_len + 1); if (new_event->tag == NULL) { printf("lognestmonster (lnmEvent): call to malloc() returned NULL. exiting...\n"); abort(); } strcpy(new_event->tag, tag); // add to registry lnm_pushable_push(lnm_registered_items, (lnmItem)new_event); return (lnmItem)new_event; } void lnmEventPush(lnmItem event, lnmItem item) { if (event == item) { printf("lognestmonster (lnmEventPush): attempt to push event to self. exiting...\n"); abort(); } lnm_log_statement * item_cast = (lnm_log_statement *)item; if (item_cast->pushed == 1) { printf("lognestmonster (lnmEventPush): attempt to push an already-pushed log item. exiting...\n"); abort(); } if (lnm_item_type(event) != LNM_EVENT) { printf("lognestmonster (lnmEventPush): cannot cast non-event to event type. exiting...\n"); abort(); } lnm_log_event * event_cast = (lnm_log_event *)event; lnm_pushable_push(event_cast->pushable, item); item_cast->pushed = 1; lnm_registry_update(); } void lnmEventPushS(lnmItem event, enum lnmVerbosityLevel verbosity, char * message) { lnmItem statement = lnmStatement(verbosity, message); lnmEventPush(event, statement); } lnmItem lnmEventI(char * tag, lnmItem item) { lnmItem event = lnmEvent(tag); lnmEventPush(event, item); return event; } lnmItem lnmEventS(char * tag, enum lnmVerbosityLevel verbosity, char * message) { lnmItem event = lnmEvent(tag); lnmEventPushS(event, verbosity, message); return event; } #ifdef LNM_DEBUG #include void lnm_debug_tabs(int tab_count) { for (int i = 0; i < tab_count; i++) { printf(" "); } } void lnm_debug_parse_item(lnmItem item, int tab_count) { if (lnm_item_type(item) == LNM_STATEMENT) { lnm_log_statement * statement = (lnm_log_statement *) item; lnm_debug_tabs(tab_count); char * verbosity; switch (statement->verbosity) { case 0: verbosity = "INFO"; break; case 1: verbosity = "DEBUG"; break; case 2: verbosity = "VERBOSE"; break; case 3: verbosity = "VERYVERBOSE"; break; case 4: verbosity = "WARNING"; break; case 5: verbosity = "ERROR"; break; } printf("%" PRIu64 " (%s) :: %s\n", statement->timestamp, verbosity, statement->log); } else if (lnm_item_type(item) == LNM_EVENT) { lnm_log_event * event = (lnm_log_event *) item; lnm_debug_tabs(tab_count); printf("Event (%" PRIu32 "/%" PRIu32 ") %s [\n", event->pushable->length, event->pushable->capacity, event->tag); for (uint32_t iter = 0; iter < event->pushable->length; iter++) { lnmItem item = event->pushable->frame[iter]; lnm_debug_parse_item(item, tab_count + 1); } lnm_debug_tabs(tab_count); printf("]\n"); } else { printf("lognestmonster (lnm_debug_parse_item): unknown item type. exiting...\n"); abort(); } } void lnm_debug_parse_registry(void) { printf("Top level registry (%" PRIu32 "/%" PRIu32 ") [\n", lnm_registered_items->length, lnm_registered_items->capacity); for (uint32_t iter = 0; iter < lnm_registered_items->length; iter++) { lnm_debug_parse_item(lnm_registered_items->frame[iter], 1); } printf("]\n"); } void lnm_debug_parse_queue(lnmQueue queue) { lnm_queue * queue_cast = (lnm_queue *)queue; printf("Queue \"%s\" at %s (%" PRIu32 "/%" PRIu32 ") [\n", queue_cast->name, queue_cast->out_path, queue_cast->pushable->length, queue_cast->pushable->capacity); for (uint32_t iter = 0; iter < queue_cast->pushable->length; iter++) { lnm_debug_parse_item((lnmItem)queue_cast->pushable->frame[iter], 1); } printf("]\n"); } #endif // LNM_DEBUG #endif // LNM_INIT #endif // LOGNESTMONSTER_H #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif