(WIP) A lightweight C logging library and parser for event-oriented logs.

Lognestmonster is a general-purpose single-header C logging library that pertains a number of features: - Nested/layer-based logging capabilities - Event-oriented log compilation - Multiple queues or outputs - Full developer customizability on memory allocation * Preprocessor handles to incorporate non-standard memory functions - Full developer customizability on I/O redirection * Generic filesystem log output * End-to-end `stdout` and `stdin` piping, allowing data transfer over serial, socket, or anything else - A binary format lighter than plaintext - A feature-packed but comprehensive standalone deserializer/parser * Interactive textual UI (ncurses) * Logtree filtering/sorting and navigation * Data operations such as binary to plaintext conversions and custom hooks on user-defined events * Optional daemon for hook events * Full developer customizability on data display, program controls, and hook operations (WIP) Not yet meant for development or production use ## Copyright This package is copyrighted by [Joshua 'joshuas3' Stockin](https://joshstock.in/) and licensed under the [MIT License](LICENSE). A form of the following should be present in each major library source or header file. ``` lognestmonster Copyright (c) 2020 Joshua 'joshuas3' Stockin This software is licensed under the MIT License. ```