/* ncurses-minesweeper Copyright (c) 2021 Joshua 'joshuas3' Stockin * * * * This software is licensed and distributed under the terms of the MIT License. * See the MIT License in the LICENSE file of this project's root folder. * * This comment block and its contents, including this disclaimer, MUST be * preserved in all copies or distributions of this software's source. */ #ifndef STRINGS_H #define STRINGS_H extern const char *copyright_line; extern const char *title_screen_splash[7]; extern const char *title_screen_splash_small[5]; extern const char *title_screen_splash_text; extern const char *title_screen_buttons[5]; extern const char *about_screen_title; extern const char *about_website_source; extern const char *about_website_home; extern const char *about_screen_back; extern const char *help_screen_title; #define HELP_SCREEN_INFO_LEN 13 extern const char *help_screen_info[HELP_SCREEN_INFO_LEN]; extern const char *help_screen_back; extern const char *options_screen_title; extern const char *options_screen_width; extern const char *options_screen_height; extern const char *options_screen_minecount; extern const char *options_screen_back; #endif