/* ncurses-minesweeper Copyright (c) 2021 Joshua 'joshuas3' Stockin * * * * This software is licensed and distributed under the terms of the MIT License. * See the MIT License in the LICENSE file of this project's root folder. * * This comment block and its contents, including this disclaimer, MUST be * preserved in all copies or distributions of this software's source. */ #ifndef STATE_H #define STATE_H #include #include typedef enum DrawPage { Title, Game, Options, Help } DrawPage; typedef enum GameStatus { Waiting, Playing, Done, Kaboom } GameStatus; typedef struct game_board_cell { uint8_t is_bomb : 1; uint8_t flagged : 1; uint8_t opened : 1; uint8_t surrounding_bomb_count : 3; // maximum possible is 8, only need 3 bits } game_board_cell; typedef struct game_board { uint8_t width; uint8_t height; uint16_t current_cell; // (x,y) | x = current_cell % width, y = current_cell / width uint8_t mine_count; uint8_t mines_left; uint64_t time; GameStatus status; game_board_cell *cells; // heap allocated, size = width * height, position in array determines position on board } game_board; typedef struct game_state { DrawPage page; uint8_t page_selection; // character/token that determines what part of the screen (button/input) is selected game_board *board; } game_state; #endif