-- resty-gitweb@pages/tree.lua -- Tree page builder -- Copyright (c) 2020 Joshua 'joshuas3' Stockin -- -- This software is licensed under the MIT License. local utils = require("utils/utils") local git = require("git/git") local builder = require("utils/builder") local tabulate = require("utils/tabulate") local nav = require("utils/nav") local _M = function(repo, repo_dir, branch, path) -- Pre checks if path ~= "" then -- make sure path exists local path_tree = git.list_tree(repo_dir, branch.name, string.sub(path, 1, path:len() - 1)) if #path_tree.dirs == 0 then -- no path found error("tree "..path.." is nonexistent") end end if branch.name == "" then branch.name = branch.hash end local build = builder:new() -- Breadcrumb navigation and repository description local breadcrumb_nav = { {string.format("/%s", repo.name), repo.name}, {string.format("/%s/tree/%s", repo.name, branch.name), branch.name}, } build:add("

"..nav(breadcrumb_nav, " / ").."

") build:add("


") -- Navigation links local navlinks = { {string.format("/%s/download", repo.name), "Download"}, {string.format("/%s/refs", repo.name), "Refs"}, {string.format("/%s/log/%s", repo.name, branch.name), "Commit Log"}, {string.format("/%s/tree/%s", repo.name, branch.name), "Files"} } for _, special in pairs(repo.specialfiles) do -- create nav items for special files local split = string.split(special, " ") table.insert(navlinks, { string.format("/%s/blob/%s/%s", repo.name, branch.name, split[2]), split[1] }) end build:add([[") -- Latest Commit table build:add("

Latest Commit

") local commit = git.log(repo_dir, branch.name, path.."/", 1, 0, true)[1] local commits_table_data = {} commits_table_data.class = "log" commits_table_data.headers = { {"count", [[{#}]]}, {"timestamp", "Time"}, {"shorthash", "Hash"}, {"subject", "Subject"}, {"author", "Author"}, {"changed_files", [[#]]}, {"changed_plus", [[(+)]]}, {"changed_minus", [[(-)]]}, {"gpggood", [[GPG?]]} } commits_table_data.rows = {} table.insert(commits_table_data.rows, { git.count(repo_dir, commit.hash), utils.iso8601(commit.timestamp), string.format([[%s]], repo.name, commit.hash, commit.shorthash), utils.html_sanitize(commit.subject), string.format([[%s]], commit.email, utils.html_sanitize(commit.author)), commit.diff.num, commit.diff.plus, commit.diff.minus, commit.gpggood }) build:add(tabulate(commits_table_data)) -- Tree/files table local title = builder:new() if path == "" then title:add("


") else -- build path with hyperlinks for section header title:add("

Tree") local split = string.split(path, "/") table.remove(split, #split) local base = "/"..repo.name.."/tree/"..branch.name title:add(string.format([[ @ %s]], base, repo.name)) local build = "" for _, part in pairs(split) do build = build.."/"..part title:add(string.format([[ / %s]], base, build, part)) end title:add("

") end build:add(title.body) local files = git.list_tree(repo_dir, branch.name, path) local files_table_data = {} files_table_data.class = "files" files_table_data.headers = { {"object", "Object"}, {"subject", "Latest Commit Subject"}, {"timestamp", "Time"}, {"shorthash", "Hash"}} files_table_data.rows = {} local file_icon = [[]] local folder_icon = [[]] -- .. directory if path ~= "" then local split = string.split(string.sub(path, 1, path:len() - 1), "/") table.remove(split, #split) if #split > 0 then -- deeper than 1 directory table.insert(files_table_data.rows, { string.format([[%s..]], folder_icon, repo.name, branch.name, table.concat(split, "/")), "","","" }) else -- only one directory deep table.insert(files_table_data.rows, { string.format([[%s..]], folder_icon, repo.name, branch.name), "","","" }) end end -- Regular directories for _, dir in pairs(files.dirs) do local lastedit = git.log(repo_dir, branch.name.." -1", dir, 1, 0, false)[1] local split = string.split(dir, "/") local name = split[#split] table.insert(files_table_data.rows, { string.format([[%s%s]], folder_icon, repo.name, branch.name, dir, name), utils.html_sanitize(lastedit.subject), utils.iso8601(lastedit.timestamp), string.format([[%s]], repo.name, lastedit.hash, lastedit.shorthash) }) end -- Regular files for _, file in pairs(files.files) do local lastedit = git.log(repo_dir, branch.name.." -1", file, 1, 0, false)[1] local split = string.split(file, "/") local name = split[#split] table.insert(files_table_data.rows, { string.format([[%s%s]], file_icon, repo.name, branch.name, file, name), utils.html_sanitize(lastedit.subject), utils.iso8601(lastedit.timestamp), string.format([[%s]], repo.name, lastedit.hash, lastedit.shorthash) }) end build:add(tabulate(files_table_data)) -- Look for and render README if it exists for _, file in pairs(files.files) do local split = string.split(file, "/") local l = split[#split]:lower() if l:match("^readme") then build:add("


") local success, repo = git.repo.open(repo_dir) if not success then break end local text = git.read_blob(repo, branch.name, file) git.repo.free(repo) local s = l:len() local body = builder:new() if string.sub(l, s-2, s) == ".md" then body:add([[
") else body:add("
") end build:add(body.body) break end end return build end return _M