-- resty-gitweb@git/git_commands.lua -- git commands and parser functions -- Copyright (c) 2020 Joshua 'joshuas3' Stockin -- -- This software is licensed under the MIT License. local ffi = require("ffi") local utils = require("utils/utils") local _M = {} local git = function(repo_dir, command) local formatted_command = string.format( "git --git-dir=%s %s", repo_dir, command ) return utils.process(formatted_command) end local function git2_error(err, message) if err < 0 then local git2_error_message = ffi.string(git2.git_error_last().message) error(string.format([[libgit2 Error - %s ("%s")]], message, git2_error_message)) end end _M.show_file = function(repo_dir, ref_name, file_path) local err = 0 -- Open git repo local repo_obj = ffi.new("git_repository*[1]") err = git2.git_repository_open(ffi.cast("git_repository**", repo_obj), repo_dir) git2_error(err, "Failed opening git repository") repo_obj = repo_obj[0] -- Get tree root local tree = ffi.new("git_object*[1]") err = git2.git_revparse_single(ffi.cast("git_object**", tree), repo_obj, ref_name) git2_error(err, "Failed to look up tree from rev name") tree = tree[0] -- Get tree entry object (blob) local blob = ffi.new("git_object*[1]") err = git2.git_object_lookup_bypath(ffi.cast("git_object**", blob), tree, file_path, git2.GIT_OBJECT_BLOB) git2_error(err, "Failed to look up blob") blob = ffi.cast("git_blob*", blob[0]) -- Get blob content local buf = ffi.new("git_buf") err = git2.git_blob_filter(buf, blob, file_path, nil) git2_error(err, "Failed to filter blob") local raw = ffi.string(buf.ptr) -- Free everything git2.git_buf_free(buf) git2.git_blob_free(blob) git2.git_object_free(tree) git2.git_repository_free(repo_obj) return raw end _M.get_head = function(repo_dir, ref_name) local err = 0 ref_name = ref_name or "HEAD" -- Open git repo local repo_obj = ffi.new("git_repository*[1]") err = git2.git_repository_open(ffi.cast("git_repository**", repo_obj), repo_dir) git2_error(err, "Failed opening git repository") repo_obj = repo_obj[0] -- Get object/reference local object = ffi.new("git_object*[1]") local reference = ffi.new("git_reference*[1]") err = git2.git_revparse_ext(ffi.cast("git_object**", object), ffi.cast("git_reference**", reference), repo_obj, ref_name) git2_error(err, "Failed to find reference") object = object[0] reference = reference[0] -- Get full name if intermediate reference exists local name = ref_name if reference ~= nil then local ref_type = git2.git_reference_type(reference) if ref_type == git2.GIT_REFERENCE_SYMBOLIC then name = ffi.string(git2.git_reference_symbolic_target(reference)) else name = ffi.string(git2.git_reference_name(reference)) end end -- Get OID local oid = git2.git_object_id(object) -- Format oid as SHA1 hash local hash = ffi.new("char[41]") -- SHA1 length (40 chars) + \0 err = git2.git_oid_fmt(hash, oid) git2_error(err, "Failed formatting OID") hash = ffi.string(hash) -- Free all git2.git_object_free(object) if reference ~= nil then git2.git_reference_free(reference) end git2.git_repository_free(repo_obj) -- Format local ref = {} ref.full = name if name:match("^refs/heads/") then ref.name = string.sub(name, 12, string.len(name)) elseif name:match("^refs/tags/") then ref.name = string.sub(name, 11, string.len(name)) else ref.name = ref_name -- just pass input as default output end ref.hash = hash ref.shorthash = string.sub(hash, 1, 7) return ref end _M.count = function(repo_dir, hash) hash = hash or "@" local output = git(repo_dir, "rev-list --count "..hash.." --") return tonumber(string.trim(output)) end _M.log = function(repo_dir, hash, file, number, skip, gpg) hash = hash or "@" file = file or "" number = tostring(number or 25) skip = tostring(skip or 0) gpg = gpg or false local output if gpg then output = git(repo_dir, "log --pretty=tformat:'%x00%x01%H%x00%cI%x00%cn%x00%ce%x00%s%x00%b%x00%G?%x00%GK%x00%GG%x00' --numstat -n "..number.." --skip "..skip.." "..hash.." -- "..file) else output = git(repo_dir, "log --pretty=tformat:'%x00%x01%H%x00%cI%x00%cn%x00%ce%x00%s%x00%b%x00' --numstat -n "..number.." --skip "..skip.." "..hash.." -- "..file) end local commits = {} local a = string.split(output,"\0\1") local f = false for i,v in pairs(a) do if f == true then local commit = {} local c = string.split(v, "\0") commit.hash = c[1] commit.shorthash = string.sub(c[1], 1,7) commit.timestamp = c[2] commit.author = c[3] commit.email = c[4] commit.subject = c[5] commit.body = string.trim(c[6]) local diffs if gpg then commit.gpggood = c[7] commit.gpgkey = c[8] commit.gpgfull = string.trim(c[9]) diffs = string.trim(c[10]) else diffs = string.trim(c[7]) end commit.diff = {} local b = string.split(diffs, "\n") commit.diff.plus = 0 commit.diff.minus = 0 commit.diff.num = 0 commit.diff.files = {} for i,v in pairs(b) do local d = string.split(v,"\t") local x = {} x.plus = tonumber(d[1]) or 0 commit.diff.plus = commit.diff.plus + x.plus x.minus = tonumber(d[2]) or 0 commit.diff.minus = commit.diff.minus + x.minus commit.diff.files[d[3]] = x commit.diff.num = commit.diff.num + 1 end table.insert(commits, commit) else f = true end end return commits end _M.commit = function(repo_dir, hash) local commit = _M.log(repo_dir, hash, "", 1, 0, true)[1] commit.count = _M.count(repo_dir, hash) return commit end _M.list_refs = function(repo_dir) -- Open git repo local repo_obj = ffi.new("git_repository*[1]") local err = git2.git_repository_open(ffi.cast("git_repository**", repo_obj), repo_dir) repo_obj = repo_obj[0] -- List refs local refs = ffi.new("git_strarray") local err = git2.git_reference_list(ffi.cast("git_strarray*", refs), repo_obj) local ret = {} ret.heads = {} ret.tags = {} for i = 0, tonumber(refs.count)-1 do local name = ffi.string(refs.strings[i]) local dest local prefix_len if name:match("^refs/heads/") then dest = ret.heads prefix_len = 12 elseif name:match("^refs/tags/") then dest = ret.tags prefix_len = 11 end if dest then local oid = ffi.new("git_oid") local err = git2.git_reference_name_to_id(ffi.cast("git_oid*", oid), repo_obj, refs.strings[i]) -- Format oid as SHA1 hash local hash = ffi.new("char[41]") -- SHA1 length (40 chars) + \0 local err = git2.git_oid_fmt(hash, ffi.cast("git_oid*", oid)) hash = ffi.string(hash) local ref = {} ref.name = string.sub(name, prefix_len, string.len(name)) ref.full = name ref.hash = hash ref.shorthash = string.sub(hash, 1, 7) table.insert(dest, ref) end end if refs then git2.git_strarray_free(ffi.cast("git_strarray*", refs)) end if repo_obj then git2.git_repository_free(ffi.cast("git_repository*", repo_obj)) end return ret end local list_dirs = function(repo_dir, hash, path) hash = hash or "@" path = path or "" local output = git(repo_dir, "ls-tree -d --name-only "..hash.." -- "..path) local dirs = string.split(output, "\n") table.remove(dirs, #dirs) -- remove trailing \n return dirs end local list_all = function(repo_dir, hash, path) hash = hash or "@" path = path or "" local output = git(repo_dir, "ls-tree --name-only "..hash.." -- "..path) local all = string.split(output, "\n") table.remove(all, #all) -- remove trailing \n return all end _M.list_tree = function(repo_dir, hash, path) hash = hash or "@" path = path or "" local files = list_all(repo_dir, hash, path) local dirs = list_dirs(repo_dir, hash, path) local ret = {} ret.dirs = {} ret.files = {} for i,v in pairs(files) do -- iterate over all objects, separate directories from files local not_dir = true for _,d in pairs(dirs) do -- check if object is directory if v == d then not_dir = false break end end if not_dir then table.insert(ret.files, v) else table.insert(ret.dirs, v) end end return ret end return _M