Index / 46f8894

Source for serving and static templating/compiling of

Latest Commit

17025 Jan 2023 09:3846f8894Add robots.txtJosh Stockin130G

Blob @ / nginx / test / servers / root.conf

text/plain971 bytesdownload raw
1server {
2 listen 80;
3 listen [::]:80;
4 server_name ~.;
5 rewrite ^/(.*)/$ /$1 permanent; # truncate forward slash
6 root /var/www/josh;
7 error_page 404 /static/error/404.html; location = /static/error/404.html {}
8 location = / {
9 index index.html;
10 }
11 location = /favicon.ico {
12 try_files /static/favicon.ico =404;
13 }
14 location / {
15 try_files $uri $uri.xml $uri.html =404;
16 }
17 location = /resume {
18 rewrite /resume /static/resume.pdf;
19 }
20 location = /josh.gpg {
21 rewrite /josh.gpg /static/josh.gpg;
22 }
23 location = /robots.txt {
24 rewrite /robots.txt /static/robots.txt;
25 }
26 location ~ /static/(.*) {
27 try_files $uri $uri.html @s3static;
28 }
29 set $bucket "";
30 location @s3static {
31 proxy_intercept_errors on;
32 proxy_redirect off;
33 add_header Cache-Control max-age=31536000;
34 proxy_pass https://$bucket/$1;
35 }