1 | The website's up! |
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3 | I have this neat template engine that compiles blog articles for me, but it's |
4 | not seeing much use right now because I'm short on time to actually write |
5 | anything. So, here's a list of some planned articles I'll write in the future: |
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7 | - Building and Programming a [Remote Control Snow Plow](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfSqagByDVk) |
8 | - Installing and Configuring [resty-gitweb](https://git.joshstock.in/resty-gitweb) for Production |
9 | - Building nginx With OpenResty |
10 | - Generating Websites With Template Engines in Python |
11 | - Using OpenResty To Write Dynamic Websites |
12 | - My Website Stack |
13 | - Using ESP32 to Read a Radio Receiver's PWM Data |
14 | - Establishing UART Communication With ESP32 |
15 | - Implementing [Minesweeper in C with ncurses](https://git.joshstock.in/ncurses-minesweeper) (Game Programming in C) |
16 | - My Philosophy on Personal Task Management |
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18 | There's also a significant amount of work I still have to do on this website. |
19 | Stay tuned! |
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