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5604 Jan 2020 16:22cb6cd1bAdd OpenGraph image tag to index fileJosh Stockin110N

Blob @ / gitpager / static / index.html

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1<!DOCTYPE html>
3 <head>
4 <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
5 <title>Josh Stockin - Git Projects</title>
6 <meta name="title" content="Git Projects" />
7 <meta name="description" content="Summary for Josh Stockin's Git projects" />
8 <meta property="og:site_name" content="Josh Stockin" />
9 <meta property="og:title" content="Git Projects" />
10 <meta property="og:description" content="Summary for Josh Stockin's Git projects" />
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17 <body>
18 <center>
19 <h1 style="margin-bottom:0">Git Commits</h1>
20 <p style="font-size: 1.5em; margin-top:10px">All my active Git projects and their recent activity</p>
21 </center>
22 <div id="container">
23 <p style="margin-top:8px">Here's the list of repositories hosted on this server. There might be a few more scarcely populated repositories hosted on <a href="">my GitHub page</a>. All commit links mirror to GitHub.</p>
24 <div class="repository" id="lognestmonster">
25 <h2 style="margin-bottom:0">lognestmonster</h2>
26 <p style="margin-top:4px">a C single-header logging library and parser for event-based logs</p>
27 <div class="commit">
28 <span class="hash">90b4334 (dev/168)<i style="margin-left:10px">Dec 29 2019, 22:39 (latest commit)</i></span>
29 <h3 class="subject">Update lnm_free_item implementation to prevent recursion</h3>
30 <p class="author"><span>Josh Stockin</span><i class="email"></i></p>
31 </div>
32 <p><a href="/lognestmonster/1"><b>full commit list >></b></a></p>
33 </div>
34 <div class="repository" id="">
35 <h2 style="margin-bottom:0"></h2>
36 <p style="margin-top:4px">my personal website, blog, portfolio</p>
37 <div class="commit">
38 <span class="hash">f528068 (master/37)<i style="margin-left:10px">Jan 1 2020, 22:44 (latest commit)</i></span>
39 <h3 class="subject">Make the banner image scroll with the page on articles</h3>
40 <p class="author"><span>Josh Stockin</span><i class="email"></i></p>
41 </div>
42 <p><a href="/"><b>full commit list >></b></a></p>
43 </div>
44 </div>
45 </body>