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I'm a massive nerd and have spent roughly the past decade doing hobby work in computer software and hardware engineering, having begun with game development and 3D animation stuffs on the Roblox platform sometime around 2012. When I'm not studying or working, I'll be reading or doing hobby projects. Sometimes I'll go by the alias 'joshuas3' online.</p> <p>I have practical and applicable experience in programming and design for <a href="https://git.joshstock.in/auto-plow">robotics</a>, embedded systems, <a href="https://git.joshstock.in/lognestmonster">low-level libraries</a>, <a href="https://git.joshstock.in/ncurses-minesweeper">general user applications</a>, <a href="https://git.joshstock.in/s3-bsync">tool/utility applications</a>, <a href="https://git.joshstock.in/resty-gitweb">web development</a>, and more, with programming languages including C, Python, and Lua. I've taken several CTE courses on woodworking, AutoCAD drafting, and 3D printing.</p> <figure class="float-right wrap"> <img class="small" src="/static/images/esp32.jpg"/> <figcaption>Closeup shot of the removable electronics board controlling the snow plow.</figcaption> </figure> <p>This website is basically supposed to provide some amount of structured, public-facing, semi-professional information on me. The <a href="/blog">Blog</a> page will consist of some of my ramblings on whatever I write about, but mostly technical project writeups. The <a href="https://git.joshstock.in">Git</a> subdomain contains my self-hosted Git repositories with options for downloading. The <a href="/projects">Projects</a> page will serve as a portfolio, hosting media and roadmaps and potentially sparing some technical information for the Git READMEs and project writeups.</p> <p>I graduated from Reed-Custer High School in May 2022. At RCHS, I earned the Illinois State Scholar award and became a finalist for the National Merit Scholarship. I volunteered for the RCHS Recycling Club and participated in the Math Team. On the April 2021 SAT, I earned a 790 in math and 730 in EBRW. During high school, I took several courses at Joliet Junior College part-time and for dual credit. As of mid-2022, I will enter my freshman year at UIUC with some 30 credit hours. I'm currently working at RCHS as an Information Technology Associate, following an internship during the school year. I've previously worked fast food and butchery.</p> <figure class="float-left"> <img class="small" src="/static/images/rc-plow.jpg"/> <figcaption>Snow plow parked in driveway sometime around early 2021.</figcaption> </figure> <p>Oh, and I'm also a survivor of <a href="/static/images/scoliosis.png">severe scoliosis</a>.</p> <p>My informal capstone project has to be the remote controlled snow plow I built with my father. Because of my spinal disability, shoveling snow is difficult for me, so we decided to build a robot to do it instead. We used an ESP32 to control relays, solenoids, and motor controllers to direct electric wheelchair motors and linear actuators. My father designed the drive chain and did most of the welding, while I did the programming and electrical work. It's still a work in progress and is likely to see multiple revisions in the future. Nevertheless, it works well considering what we made it from. You can find the (admittedly poorly written) ESP32 source code <a href="https://git.joshstock.in/auto-plow">here</a>. I've been meaning to rewrite it for a while.</p> <p>Thanks for reading! You can best contact me via email at <a href="mailto:josh@joshstock.in">josh@joshstock.in</a>. I'll usually reply within a day or two.</p> </div> <div class="vfill"></div> <footer> <p>https://joshstock.in © 2022 Joshua Stockin</p> <p><a href="mailto:josh@joshstock.in">josh@joshstock.in</a> / <a href="mailto:stockin2@illinois.edu">stockin2@illinois.edu</a> / <code>joshuas3#<i>9641</i></code></p> </footer> </div> <script> feather.replace() </script> </body> </html>