Index / 498068c

Source for serving and static templating/compiling of

Latest Commit

5704 Jan 2020 16:38b6e8529Add favicon.png to static files; update OpenGraph tagsJosh Stockin377N

Tree @ / resources / templates

ObjectLatest Commit SubjectTimeHash
fileblog-archive-listing.htmlUpdate banner size and position on articles01 Jan 2020 18:41d1de6bd
fileblog-archive.htmlAdd favicon.png to static files; update OpenGraph tags04 Jan 2020 16:38b6e8529
fileblog-article.htmlAdd favicon.png to static files; update OpenGraph tags04 Jan 2020 16:38b6e8529
fileblog.cssMake the banner image scroll with the page on articles01 Jan 2020 22:44f528068
fileerror.htmlAdd favicon.png to static files; update OpenGraph tags04 Jan 2020 16:38b6e8529