Index / a8353e8

Source for serving and static templating/compiling of

Latest Commit

10213 Dec 2020 11:45a8353e8Update lua-gitweb README.mdJosh Stockin12013G

Tree @ / lua-gitweb

ObjectLatest Commit SubjectTimeHash
foldergitUpdate lua-gitweb12 Dec 2020 20:23009440a
folderpagesFix README rendering13 Dec 2020 11:455814dba
folderutilsAdd git blobs13 Dec 2020 01:05da32c63
fileREADME.mdUpdate lua-gitweb README.md13 Dec 2020 11:45a8353e8
fileapp.luaUpdate blob text rendering13 Dec 2020 11:1029e3f47
fileinit.luaUpdate lua-gitweb12 Dec 2020 21:058147f6b
filerepos.yamlUpdate lua-gitweb12 Dec 2020 21:058147f6b



A git web client for Lua, similar to stagit.


Lua modules (Lua 5.1/LuaJIT 2.1.0/OpenResty LuaJIT compatible, accessible from Lua path/cpath):

Module Description
lfs Filesystem API
lyaml Reads and parses YAML config files
puremagic MIME type by content, used in blob rendering

Other command line tools (installed on system path, accessible from shell):

Program Description
md4c (md2html) Renders GitHub flavored Markdown
highlight Syntax highlighting in HTML format

Linkable Libraries (installed on system path, accessible with LuaJIT's C FFI):

Library Description
libgit2 Linkable C API for Git

Copyright and Licensing

This package is copyrighted by Joshua 'joshuas3' Stockin and licensed under the MIT License.

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