
lognestmonster / 74a5ca9

A general-purpose single-header C logging library and parser for event-based logs. (Incomplete)

Latest Commit

7726 Aug 2019 18:11a99593fCreate HELP and VERSION files for output preview of appropriate parser flagsJosh Stockin1540N

Blob @ lognestmonster / HELP

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1lognestmonster/0.3.0 Copyright (c) 2019 Joshua 'joshuas3' Stockin
2usage: lognestmonster [OPTION]... <QUEUE>
4The lognestmonster library allows you to generate log files with an organized
5nesting format. Use this lognestmonster command to parse files generated by
6the lognestmonster library.
8By default, inputting a queue file, a folder with queue files, or switching
9stdin (passing "-" for QUEUE) will display an interactive textual interface
10where keyboard events are used to sift through log statements. Using the
11status switch (-s, --status), you can do a quick read of the instream and only
12display metadata, such as the number of statements or events, rather than a
13textual user interface. If the follow switch is used (-f, --follow), the
14parser will keep the instreams open and generate live logtrees. Switching
15stdin ("-") automatically switches follow. See other switches and options for
16the ability to narrow down log results. Log-unrelated commands (help, version,
17or no args) do not require a QUEUE variable.
19Unless manually switched, the verbosity levels `verbose` (-v) and
20`veryverbose` (-vv) are not displayed in the interactive textual interface.
22-h, -?, --help Displays program description and a list of valid
23 options and other arguments
24--version Displays program information about copyright and the
25 version
26-s, --status Reads the directory and outputs file and log
27 metadata for each log tree
28-e, --errors Omits all statements besides errors. Stackable with
29 other verbosity level commands
30-w, --warnings Omits all statements besides warnings. Stackable
31 with other verbosity level commands
32-i, --info Omits all statements besides those with verbosity
33 type 'info'. Stackable with other verbosity level
34 commands
35-d, --debug Omits all statements besides those with verbosity
36 type 'debug'. Stackable with other verbosity level
37 commands
38-v, --verbose Omits all statements besides those with verbosty
39 type 'verbose'. Stackable with other verbosity level
40 commands
41-vv, --veryverbose Omits all statements besides those with verbosity
42 type 'veryverbose'. Stackable with other verbosity
43 level commands
44--after Limits log results to after a certain timestamp. A
45 millisecond UNIX timestamp must be provided
46--before Limits log results to before a certain timestamp. A
47 millisecond UNIX timestamp must be provided.
48-t, --tag Limits log results to a tag. A string of the
49 tag/invoker must be provided
50-c Limits log results to a numbered statement
51-q Limits log results to a numbered event and its
52 children
53-f, --follow Provides a live view of the log tree stream, similar
54 to the 'tail -f' command