
ncurses-minesweeper / 82ddf89

Terminal game of Minesweeper, implemented in C with ncurses.

Latest Commit

1812 Sep 2020 23:2382ddf89Colors; base game state and game renderingJosh Stockin1118G

Blob @ ncurses-minesweeper / src / draw / title.c

text/plain4088 bytesdownload raw
1#include <ncurses.h>
3#include "../state.h"
4#include "pages.h"
5#include "text.h"
7// clang-format off
8const char *title_screen_splash[7] = {
9 ":::: :::: ::::::::::: :::: ::: :::::::::: :::::::: ::: ::: :::::::::: :::::::::: ::::::::: :::::::::: ::::::::: ",
10 "+:+:+: :+:+:+ :+: :+:+: :+: :+: :+: :+: :+: :+: :+: :+: :+: :+: :+: :+: :+:",
11 "+:+ +:+:+ +:+ +:+ :+:+:+ +:+ +:+ +:+ +:+ +:+ +:+ +:+ +:+ +:+ +:+ +:+ +:+",
12 "+#+ +:+ +#+ +#+ +#+ +:+ +#+ +#++:++# +#++:++#++ +#+ +:+ +#+ +#++:++# +#++:++# +#++:++#+ +#++:++# +#++:++#: ",
13 "+#+ +#+ +#+ +#+ +#+#+# +#+ +#+ +#+ +#+#+ +#+ +#+ +#+ +#+ +#+ +#+ +#+",
14 "#+# #+# #+# #+# #+#+# #+# #+# #+# #+#+# #+#+# #+# #+# #+# #+# #+# #+#",
15 "### ### ########### ### #### ########## ######## ### ### ########## ########## ### ########## ### ###"};
16const char *title_screen_splash_small[5] = {
17 " __ ___ ____ _ __ ______ _____ _ __ ______ ______ ____ ______ ____ ",
18 " / |/ // _// | / // ____// ___/| | / // ____// ____// __ \\ / ____// __ \\",
19 " / /|_/ / / / / |/ // __/ \\__ \\ | | /| / // __/ / __/ / /_/ // __/ / /_/ /",
20 " / / / /_/ / / /| // /___ ___/ / | |/ |/ // /___ / /___ / ____// /___ / _, _/ ",
21 "/_/ /_//___//_/ |_//_____/ /____/ |__/|__//_____//_____//_/ /_____//_/ |_| "};
22// clang-format on
24const char *title_screen_splash_text = "MINESWEEPER";
25const char *title_screen_buttons[4] = {"PLAY", "OPTIONS", "HELP", "EXIT"};
26const char *title_screen_copyright = "Copyright (c) Joshua 'joshuas3' Stockin 2020";
28int draw_title_screen(game_state *state, int ch) {
29 // input handling
30 if (ch == 'j' || ch == 'J') {
31 if (state->page_selection != 3) {
32 state->page_selection++;
33 } else
34 beep();
35 } else if (ch == 'k' || ch == 'K') {
36 if (state->page_selection != 0) {
37 state->page_selection--;
38 } else
39 beep();
40 } else if (ch == 10 || ch == ' ' || ch == KEY_ENTER) { // enter key pressed, process
41 switch (state->page_selection) {
42 case 0: {
43 state->page = Game;
44 state->page_selection = 0;
45 state->board->current_cell = 75;
46 return draw_game(state, 0);
47 }
48 case 1: {
49 state->page = Options;
50 state->page_selection = 0;
51 return draw_options_screen(state, 0);
52 }
53 case 2: { // HELP
54 state->page = Help;
55 return draw_help_screen(state, 0);
56 }
57 case 3: { // QUIT
58 return 1;
59 }
60 }
61 }
63 int vdisplace = 0;
65 // draw splash screen
66 attron(A_BOLD);
67 if (COLS > 130 && LINES > 18) {
68 for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
69 const char *this_splash = title_screen_splash[i];
70 mvprintw(centery() - 6 + i, centerx(this_splash), this_splash);
71 vdisplace = 2;
72 }
73 } else if (COLS > 85 && LINES > 14) {
74 for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
75 const char *this_splash = title_screen_splash_small[i];
76 mvprintw(centery() - 5 + i, centerx(this_splash), this_splash);
77 vdisplace = 1;
78 }
79 } else {
80 mvprintw(centery() - 3, centerx(title_screen_splash_text), title_screen_splash_text);
81 vdisplace = -1;
82 }
83 attroff(A_BOLD);
85 // draw button inputs
86 for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
87 if (state->page_selection == i) attron(A_STANDOUT);
88 mvprintw(centery() + i + vdisplace, centerx(title_screen_buttons[i]), title_screen_buttons[i]);
89 if (state->page_selection == i) attroff(A_STANDOUT);
90 }
92 // write copyright line @ bottom
93 mvprintw(LINES - 1, centerx(title_screen_copyright), title_screen_copyright);
95 return 0;