
ncurses-minesweeper / e935e96

Terminal game of Minesweeper, implemented in C with ncurses.

Latest Commit

2818 Sep 2020 09:56e935e96Update READMEJosh Stockin1103G


ObjectLatest Commit SubjectTimeHash
foldersrcFix copyright disclaimer17 Sep 2020 22:4163b24cb
file.clang-formatUpdate lint config12 Sep 2020 16:1857786ab
file.gitignoreAdd *.swp to .gitignore12 Sep 2020 10:35ca7e2b2
fileLICENSEInitial commit (, LICENSE)07 Sep 2020 18:239f17065
fileMakefileFix issue with Make incorrectly parsing gcc -MM12 Sep 2020 16:186caccaa
fileREADME.mdUpdate README18 Sep 2020 09:56e935e96


ncurses Minesweeper

Terminal game of Minesweeper, implemented in C with ncurses.


Minesweeper is a logic game where mines are hidden in a grid of squares. The object is to open all the safe squares in the shortest time possible. Use <hjkl> to move and <SPACE> to select. Read the Help page for more information.

Title screen Ready to start Playing Kaboom Finished game


Currently functional on all systems with an ncurses library. PDCurses may be dropped in and linked on Windows, although this hasn't been tested.

Requirements: build-essentials libncurses-dev

Compiling and linking:

make compile build

Binary executable deposited at bin/minesweeper.

If you're contributing source code to this repository, install clang-format clang-tidy and use make to target the linter programs. (clang-format is a bit finicky; make sure you're running version 10.0.0, or it will yell at you about unsupported configuration in .clang-format.)

Source file structure and program flow

All header files correspond to a similarly named source file except src/draw/pages.h which encapsulates multiple sources in the same directory.

Copyright and Licensing

This package is copyrighted by Joshua 'joshuas3' Stockin and licensed under the MIT License.

A form of the following should be present in each source or header file.

ncurses-minesweeper Copyright (c) 2020 Joshua 'joshuas3' Stockin
This software is licensed under the MIT License.

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