
zydeco / 0dd781a

Experiment in graphics programming, C++, OpenGL, simulation techniques.

Latest Commit

405 Aug 2023 20:500dd781aCreate event handling and threads structureJosh Stockin24651248G


ObjectLatest Commit SubjectTimeHash
folderincludeCreate event handling and threads structure05 Aug 2023 20:500dd781a
foldersrcCreate event handling and threads structure05 Aug 2023 20:500dd781a
file.gitignoreC++ bringup; SDL window creation03 Aug 2023 22:030dc574e
fileCMakeLists.txtCreate event handling and threads structure05 Aug 2023 20:500dd781a
fileLICENSEInitial commit03 Aug 2023 17:13a07587e
fileREADME.mdCreate base Engine class04 Aug 2023 22:32f2ac8af
filezydeco.shCreate base Engine class04 Aug 2023 22:32f2ac8af



Hobby project/experiment in C++, graphics programming, and world generation.


Run ./ to compile, build, and run. Requires CMake and a C++20-capable compiler, as well as the dependencies below. Executable is outputted at build/zydeco in the project root directory.

Zydeco depends upon the following C/C++ libraries:

Library Purpose Source
fmt String formatting for debug output messages libfmt-dev
cpptrace Producing stack traces for fault output GitHub
SDL2 Cross-platform solution for creating and managing windows, OpenGL contexts libsdl2-dev